SF6-free primary GIS

Primary MV Gas Insulated Switchgear


Brunstock offers a rich product portfolio in all voltage ranges. Our BGP-40.5 (Brunstock Gas-insulated Primary switchgear rated up to 40.5kV), is backed by patents related to temperature management, operational safety and reliability. It has advantages in compactness, high performance and cost optimisation.

This medium voltage GIS product adopts vacuum switching and SF6-free sealing technology, with its main circuit/high-voltage components in the gas tanks. It can operate under harsh environmental conditions, such as dust, humidity, saline air and even at high altitude. It has broad applications in renewable wind farms and solar farms, utilities, oil and gas, mining, commercial and industry, as well as airports and railways.


BGP-40.5 was designed based on an IPD (Integrated Protection and Distribution) concept. It achieves a performance level of up to 40.5kV rated voltage, with a 2500A circuit breaker capable of handling short-circuit currents of 31.5kA for 3 seconds. Additionally, it supports incoming currents of up to 4000A.


The product has two standardised panel widths: 600 mm and 750 mm. Its compact footprint, one third of air insulated switchgear, requires much less space, which is one of Brunstock’s secrets in offering enclosures that are smaller overall than many alternative substation buildings, like ehouses.

Are you ready for the green GIS revolution? Brunstock is using dry air instead of SF6 gas as the insulating medium in its primary and secondary switchgear. Our SF6-free power equipment is kind to your budget and to the environment. This medium-voltage GIS product adopts vacuum switching and SF6-free sealing technology, with its main circuit/high-voltage components in the gas tanks. It can operate under harsh environmental conditions, such as dust, humidity, saline air and even at high altitude. It has broad applications in renewable wind farms and solar farms, utilities, oil and gas, mining, commercial and industry, as well as airports and railways.


Renewable energy is at the forefront of saving the planet. Technological innovation in green switchgear and power transformers is key, and this is at the heart of the Brunstock offering. BGS-12 is one of our SF6-free gas insulated switchgear series, which paves the way for you to enjoy a cleaner, greener footprint in your power, distribution, storage and utilisation projects.

Our representatives service the renewables, utilities, infrastructure, oil and gas, and mining industries with Brunstock’s packaged solutions customised to suit their project timeframes and budgets. We love using our deep understanding of power engineering and manufacturing to offer world-class renewable energy products.

Primary gas insulated switchgear technical data

Rated voltage
Rated current
1250, 2500, 4000*
Rated circuit breaker current
1250, 2500
Withstand voltage
kV (1 min)
Lightning impulse voltage
kV peak
Short-time withstand current
Peak withstand current (50Hz)
Rated filling pressure at 20°C
Gas leakage
Rated operating sequence

Internal arc classification
AFLR 31.5/1
Partial discharge (interval)

* Notes: 1. 4000A incomer current can be carried by two circuit breakers in parallel. 2. For further ambient temperature range or higher altitude, please consult your Brunstock representative.

Primary gas insulated switchgear dimensions

1250A: 600mm | 2500A: 750mm
Total: 1800mm | Rear arc channel: 210mm
Total: 2350mm | LV compartment: 750mm | Cable compartment: 700mm
SF6-free switchgear for modular substations, BGS40.5
Wind farm and robotic arm in factory making switchgear

Benefits of BGP-40.5

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Cost efficient
  • Maintenance free
  • Safe and reliable
  • Compact
  • Operation continuity
  • Fast delivery


  • Type tested according to IEC62271-100, IEC62271-200
  • Metal enclosed, partion class PM
  • Loss of service continuity category: LSC2B
  • Protection index: Gas tank IP67, enclosure IP4X
  • Mechanical endurance: Circuit Breaker 10,000 (M2), three-position disconnector/
    earthing switch 5000 (M2)
  • Application of rated incoming current up to 4000A

40.5 kV primary SF6-free GIS

BGP-40.5 KV SF6-FREE primary GIS nitrogen-insulated switchgear
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